Our World

Is Changing

We are living in a different era. 
How we work and live is shifting rapidly.
You deserve more.

Hey, it's Keith

From Bali to Basel. The world needs you now.
It wants the knowledge and experience you have to help them.
We all want to make new mistakes. Repeating the past ones are painful.
You know there is another way. We all only have so much time on this planet.
Don't wait.


Solar Success Principles

With much appreciation, gratitude and enthusiasm I was able to publish a book to help you seize the opportunity and avoid the pitfalls common in the solar business. This book is a consolidation of over 20 years in the solar business with tools, strategies, resources to help you take your business where you want it to go. There are chapters ranging from sales, operations, budgeting, marketing and more. Head on over to Amazon, right now, to take a sneak peek inside the book. Click here to get the book - Solar Success Principles- How to Make a Difference and a Fortune in the Green Economy.

Got Kids?

This idea came to me from a place of silence. A week after spending a fall break from school with my daughter, I reminisced about the incredible time we spent together, being present and in the moment. Whether it was swimming, hiking, yoga, art projects and beyond, there was an inescapable amount of gratitude and happiness that seemed to percolate from everywhere. This caused me to take some notes on the experiences, feelings and sentiment that surrounded that week that infused me with the intent of developing something for more than just me and to serve you, the reader of this book and the architect of your life. You see, we live in a world today, dominated by the digital age. Social media, mobile phones that have become super computers of our time, digital distractions within an arms reach of each of us. But something is missing. It’s us. We seem to have lost our connection to our families, friends and close relationships. Call it convenience. Call it evolution. Call it a lost generation. Click here to learn more.

Are You Offended?

The Daily Rituals of Happy and Successful People. Often in life, we become offended for a host of riveting reasons. It starts when we were very young. As kids, we debate fairness with other siblings or at the school yard. In our teen years, the clothes we wore or the date we didn't get. Out of school, we wrestle with our career decisions and ask ourselves if we did it for ourselves or chose a path our parents wanted us to take.
We spend time in counseling, learning more about our preferences and why things haven't gone our way. We now have social media in our pockets as an instant trigger for something we deem deplorable.
Politics- ever been chaffed by someone running for office?
Sex- a taboo topic?
How about your spiritual preferences? Do you like how you look? Are you overweight and does this impact your life in a negative way? Do you have concerns about aging? People give you heat for your ethnicity? What distractions do you participate in to make yourself feel better?
We will explore the truth in this book to all these modern and ancient maladies and show you the promised land.


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